Cast: Tom Cruise, Rosamund Pike,David Oyelovo,Jai Courtney,Joseph Sikora
Director: Christopher Mc Querrie
Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
An average flick. Nothing extraordinary
- Tom Cruise, goes without saying. A serious and a no nonsene character. Stern and strong. Hotness quotient retained :)
- The thriller part of the movie was may be not the reason for assasinations but the suspects who were involved in the crime
- David Oyelovo,Jai Courtney,Joseph Sikora; all of them did their respective jobs well
- The last action sequence though again nothing extraordinary, but was a good watch
- Rosamund Pike, was a very weak character. Being a lawyer, they never showed her applying any logic on her own, she was fed with the detail given by Jack Reacher and that she used to believe without any verification
- Pace of the movie is bit slow. Without much of any action sequences, you tend to get bored
- The car chase sequence was pretty dragging and boring. Aimlessly directed
- The thriller reason behind all the murders were somehow quite predictable, wasnt a head turner or eye bulger when it came out
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