Cast: Sanjay Mishra,Rajat Kapoor,Seema Pahwa(Amma),Namit Das(Ajju),Taranjit Kaur(Chachi),Maya Sarao(Rita), Chandrachoor Rai(Shammi)
Director: Rajat Kapoor
Genre: Drama, Fiction
Its a food for creative souls. Its not a mass appealing picture and not made for one!
You may look forward to:
- Sanjay Mishra, his first solo breakthrough! And experienced enough already to surpass all critics :) I must say an apt selection of role. I bet none ever bothered to know his name before, and now everyone who knows about this movie, knows him as well(by name) :) He has done a fab job in here. Eccentricity personified. Subtle symptoms of old age and lessons of life, as you start accumulating various aspects of life, smaller nuances, lived or walk passed. Its a road to his self discovery, alone, no baggage!
- This story is very simple, crazy rather, but a very good experiment. The story teaches you how you can yet discover things and learn new things from the same well, of which you are a frog from decades. One need not venture out of the well every time if you feel stagnated
- Rajat Kapoor, gives us another very subtle but yet a beautiful experience. He is always a background element as an actor, and lets the a chosen somebody to take the lead. He lets the lead have a performance for his lifetime, or at least a good visibility. His movies are mostly and only about that central character
- Seema Pahwa was amazing. She is such a perfect caricature of how a typical domestic wife is, ie minus any politics. She is very adorable
- All other star casts were good performers in their own stands
- Certain musical notes were beautiful, stimulates many strings of your ears
What you can sleep over:
If you wish to enjoy the experimental side of the movie, you have gotto ignore the dampeners
The dampeners you should be aware of:
- Somewhere you feel its been dragged too long. Stories of such kinds thrive on dialogues, if the dialogues start feeling repetitive, you dont have much to look forward to
- Certain instances like the many followers the central character had, was on what basis! I didnt get the ground of philosophy based on which he managed himself so many disciples
- A lot of parallel inference is required to justify the gambling aspect of it, which was more or less missing
- Parental aspect of a father(Bauji) to the son(Shammi) was missing
- One more eccentric case in between was simply additional and wasnt required. If at all required, the message was not conveyed well
My rating: 3/5
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