Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Cast: Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson,Robert Redford(Alexander Pierce),Sebastian Stan(Bucky Barnes),Anthony Mackie(Sam Wilson / Falcon)
Director:Anthony Russo, Joe Russo          
Genre: Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi

Another Kick-Ass movie from Marvel productions. Must watch!

You may look forward to:

  • Chris Evans, getting his due finally! One man to look out for! This guy is not someone to fade away as accessory amongst the Avengers. He can pull an entire movie on his shoulders and make it a grand success. With the looks to die for and more or less a human than a super hero, every action and every move that he makes is freaking awesome and very very less mechanical or robotic. He every inch is a Hero :)
  • Scarlett Johansson, mind blowing :) Never saw her this up, close and personal as in this flick. She is the leading lady, and almost close to a love affair with Captain America :) Glad to have one action queen lasting for so long. Kudos to her!
  • Action in this movie is worth appreciating. Action doesnt anymore look repetitive. Action directors are coming up with powerful impact everytime
  • The script is complicated but amazing.The script is much beyond alien invasion, outward threats, etc etc. Its insider politics. Its a tad bit difficult to understand, but the way it is revealed one after another, is noteworthy.The script is one of the major USP's of the movie and not just star power
  • Thanks to the script, Samuel L. Jackson had a meaty role to himself, much beyond just a leader. Your heart does pound for him at a few scenes :)
  • Sebastian Stan, rather came out to be a nice surprise with that man behind the mask. Mostly, it doesnt matter who they reveal behind the mask, but this one did make sense
  • Anthony Mackie, our wingman :) was a good support too :)
  • Direction at their best, a good script and star power may yet not make enough impact if not for the apt direction. A few scenes definitely is remarkably shot, like the one action scene in the lift, is a WOW!

What you can sleep over:

Robert Redford, this man was mostly under the wraps and hence nothing much to boast about

The dampeners you should be aware of:

Small tit bits missed here and there, cant be called a dampener but may be done intentionally at some place and at others missed. Like once Sebastian Stan was revealed, why would he not wear a mask for the action sequences ahead :D Anyway, it wasnt him who was trying to hide self, it was more like a uniform to him :D
But never mind, this movie kept me at the edge throughout, and the length of the movie did never happen to be a concern. You dont check your watch nor do you wait for the interval :)

My rating: 4/5

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