Friday, August 8, 2014


Cast:  Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman, Min-sik Choi,Amr Waked(Cop-Del Rio)
Director: Luc Besson
Genre:  Sci-Fi, Action

If the plot of the movie is not your favorite study subject, then it is sure to get your attention!

You may look forward to:

  • The plot of the movie as the Tag line clearly suggests is about utilizing a human brain to its 100% capacity which is otherwise known to be utilized just 10%. Undoubtedly, it is a subject of debate, nevertheless, the way the story and the imaginations around it are weaved, it surely catches your attention and has you sitting tight till the end of the movie
  • Scarlett Johansson is pretty good, as we know she is a strong and sturdy lady. The only action heroine Hollywood has got today and she is the only star of the movie, entire plot riding on her shoulders. :) So given that, there is nothing new that we haven't seen of Scarlett in here, except for the beginning stretch, where in you see an otherwise ordinary 'Lucy' until transformed. The effort Scarlett has put for Lucy before transformation, is commendable, very unlikely of her otherwise image :D Otherwise, in the rest of the movie, we have more or less, our Black Widow'! :)
  • Morgan Freeman, in a rather short role but runs in parallel throughout
  • Min-sik Choi, our bad man, had little to do again, he is good at his stand
  • Amr Waked is a good short support

What you can sleep over:

Lots of tit bits missed in direction and a few exaggerated terrorism of the drug lords

The dampeners you should be aware of:

Well, certainly a few things were funny! Especially the conclusion and the future generation supercomputer and the data stick coming out of it, etc etc... lol

My Rating: 3/5

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