Cast: Josh Stewart(Arkin), Emma Fitzpatrick(Elena). Randall Archer( The Collector), Christopher McDonald(Mr. Peters)
Director: Marcs Dunstan
Genre: Gore, Thriller, Action
A good watch for those who love this particular Genre
- Good to see such movies getting released in Indian theaters. This was my first gore movie on a big screen. I enjoyed it completely :)
- Quite a bit of gory stuffs and action to keep you entertained ;)
- Irrespective of orientation, everyone will love Emma Fitzpatrick :) She is hot, she is bold and she has intelligent presence of mind. You wont see a mere victim in her but a woman with survival insticts. That makes her a hero equivalent for the flick
- Josh Stewart, one character from the prequel of this movie, played a good role. Not trying to be unnecessarily heroic but with the turn of events turning him into a person who can ruthlessly break his own arm and turn into an avenger by the end of it
- The suggestive end of the movie is nice, unlike the regular open ends. Josh Stewart is surely going to sustain for the next sequel. What we are yet to see is, he turns out to be a bad man or a continues as a good man
- Randall Archer is a difficult role to comment on, since such kinda roles doesnt require much of your expressiveness to be shown. Its more of a body language physically and this genre doesnt have much scope to express that either nor is he a mindfucking tormentor unlike the bad guy in SAW series. However, as suitable to the role, he does his job worth a mention
- Christopher McDonald didnt have much to do, but yet had a strong presence in the movie
- This certainly isnt as gory as SAW series were. Coming from the makers of SAW, i was surely expecting more.Am also kinda speculating a lot of editing done before its release in India
- The plot seemed a tad too unruly and unfair for the character of 'The Collector'. He was the only one battling against many. That makes things a bit too chaotic for cold blooded movies like this
- What made SAW series a great success was not just the gory content but also the mental agony that the bad guy 'Jigsaw' posed on human. This movie clearly lacks it. Nevertheless, the lack of this particular factor justifies the mechanical ONLY role of a Collector :P
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