Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Hobbit: An unxpected Journey

Cast: Martin Freeman(Bilbo Baggins), Ian Mckallen(Gandalf), Richard Armitage(Thorin), Andy Serkis(Ghollum)
Director: Peter Jackson
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure

Clearly overhyped. Scored below expectations. Low hopes may thrive you through the movie and out with a smiling face, otherwise a let down

  • No denial to the fact, it was a pleasure watching the hills and the moutains, and your favorite characters once again on the big screens. Be it The Shire, or the Orcs, Dwarves, Hobbits, Elves, The Wizzards, everything
  • One of the notewrothy action sequence where the giant mountains come to life, is one of the most cherishable scenes from the movie
  • This is a must watch in 3D. Its after a long time that i recommend a movie in 3D. Its totally worth it. Every piece magnificently shot, every character feels like real and playing right in front of you. Be it the rains or the grass, you feel them all. Every scene is a 3D shot, you will enjoy it for sure
  • Ian Mckallen playing the character of 'Gandalf' is the only character worth appreciating. He was the hero of the flick

  • So apparently, a 300 page novel is attempted to be stretched beyond 7-8 hours totalling into 3 movies, and what do you get back in return, is a 2.5 hours long first of its series. Expect it to be very very slow
  • There was nothing significant for the Hobbit to play, it was more about the drwarves rather, i feel the movie should be renamed aptly :P
  • Action scenes were tad cliche, nothing new except for one or two scenes. All the action sequences came after a long haul and striked with undramatic length, never ending and monotonous
  • You dont feel any attachement with any character at all in this movie to my surprise. They fail to make an impession mostly due to the lack of clear role and unclean character sketches. You dont practically care whether any of the lead characters surive the battles or they dont
  • Few events were not very well depicted, like what sudden development prompts 'Bilbo' to change his mind for an uneventful person to take up an adventure journey which could cost him his life
  • Few characters were forced and pushed just to get you a feel of your favorite characters from the LOTR series that you loved, such as Ghollum, unnecessarily stretched too long a tryst between Bilbo and Ghollum, and honestly an irritating episode there
  • The entire movie sustains only due to Gandalf, others were mere puny. A big let down here itself. Thankfully, we didnt have to loose Gandalf and wait for his re-birth in here :P
  • Literally missed the characters of Frodo and Sam, Frodo had a very small cameo, but yet a pleasant one :)

My rating: 2.5/5

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