Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Playing for keeps

Cast: Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Noah Lomax, Deeni Quaid, Uma Thurman, Catherine Zeta Jones
Director: Gabriele Muccino
Genre: Comedy, Family Drama

Very very watchable flick, not to go by the reviews on web which is pretty lukewarm

  • Gerard Butler definitely has some magnet attracting women. And this is what his character is all about. You may hate him, you may get disappointed but you cant ignore this man. Tied in a circumstance without a job and estranged family woes, a yesteryear soccer champion is in an unstable situation where he is caught with things that he never saw himself being a part of. A single father trying to get his wife back and dealing with numerous women fans, he plays a man with perplexed state of mind on why are things happening if at all happening :) Any man would want a life like that and enjoy watching him :P
  • Chemistry between father and son, was shown beautifully. Noah Lomax did a good job and is pretty expressive
  • Jessica Biel, Uma Thurman, Catherine Zeta Jones, the hot female league were all supporters, divided roles to play, however good to watch
  • Deeni Quaid, was the bad man apaprently.Didnt have much to do again, however did blend in with movie
  • The movie lacks focus but it does not loose on entertainment :)
  • The script was written with average mind, a lot could be added to make it a spicy, raunchy movie with a lot of manhood associated with a soccer player. could not really be dressed up all that properly
  • I didnt personally like the ending of it where 'George' comrpomises so much for his family, and the family doesnt give back what it should support for
  • All the actors did their limited part to make the movie watchable but none were utilized to their full potential which makes it an overall average movie to watch

My rating: 2.5/5

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