Monday, December 1, 2014

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1


Cast: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks(Effie), Philip Seymour Hoffman(Rebel Leader), Julianne Moore(Rebel Leader) and Donald Sutherland(President Snow)
Director: Francis Lawrence
Genre: Sci-Fi, Drama

More of a build up than a good delivery. You may enjoy it only if you are a fan of the book

You may look forward to:

  • Josh Hutcherson, is the only character to look out for in the entire movie. The darkness that looms around him throughout and the climax that ends with him, is worth the watch
  • Last half an hour of the movie is the only watchable section which manages to pick some attention
  • Liam Hemsworth had much better role in this one, he was much more than just a secondary lover of our female lead :)
  • Woody Harrelson and Elizabeth Banks, do their best jobs as the mentors and supporters of Katnes Everdeen
  • Philip Seymour Hoffman and Julianne Moore, the newer characters, do play a strong backing to building the base of the movie
  • Donald Sutherland, our major antagonist, plays his regular best in provoking and playing cruel with the districts and its people

What you can sleep over:

All the over dramatization around Katnes Everdeen. Agreed, Hunger Games is also known for its grandeur and show offs. But marketing and show offs only with no content, is not convincing enough

The dampeners you should be aware of:
  • Now this one is very similar to "Twilight- Breaking Dawn I'. Extremely slow, dramatized, low on content and poor in delivery. All it does is to create a premise for its next release
  • Jennifer Lawrence wasted. She did nothing in the entire movie, accept for firing one shot and showing concerns around the survival of 'Peter Mellark'. She was more of an item girl, who was just used for a pivot. All through the movie, the camera doesn't move from her face. Felt sleepy and tired of all the extra attention given to her. Every breath of her used for marketing, and less to do with fighting against Capitol

My Rating: 2.5/5

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