Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Black Mass

Cast: Johnny Depp, Joel Edgerton, Benedict Cumberbatch, Dakota Johnson(Lindsey), Jesse Plemons(Kevin),Rory Cochrane(Flemi),David Harbour(Morris), Corey Stoll(Wyshak) and Julianne Nicholson(Marianne)
Director: Scott Cooper
Genre: Biography, Crime

A definitive watch for all those who enjoy gangster movies. Quality film!

You may look forward to:
  • Johnny Depp gives out a phenomenal performance as James "Whitey" Bulger. The make up and his get up is pretty rough, character sketch pretty complicated. James "Whitey" Bulger is depicted as someone carrying multiple shades of gray. He is loved by some, but as well hated by many. His behavior random and intentions unclear. He is one of those characters you wish you never met, if you did, your lifeline is cut short with immediate effect :D
  • Joel Edgerton again depicts rather uncommon traits. Loyalty over principles. The aspects he  showcases are politically complicated and involving self digging pits. He plays the role of a confused and corrupt FBI agent pretty perfect
  • Jesse Plemons and Rory Cochrane, are very significant supporting roles, who has known 'Bulger' in  and out. Been afraid and loyal, but never with any respect
  • The ladies Dakota Johnson and Julianne Nicholson have very minuscule roles. But their roles were important to complete the caricature of 'Bulger'
  • Scott Cooper does a fantastic job in directing the film. Too many characters, easy to lose. But he keeps the pace of the movie apt so as not to lose interest, as well keep up with the many names and co relations in the film. He presents the wild and ruthless portrayal of James "Whitey" Bulger pretty precisely

What you can sleep over:
  • Benedict Cumberbatch more or less wasted. He is just a place holder being the 'Senator' of the State and a brother of a fugitive. There is nothing more he involves himself into
  • Amongst the other good actors under utilized are: David Harbour and Corey Stoll

The dampeners you should be aware of:

A few aspects which i am still wondering about is why was James "Whitey" Bulger doing what he was doing. What was the driving factor behind the crimes. He is never shown living a flamboyant life, never socializing or women, which are pretty typical of characters like him. He has no friends, no life. It more or less feels very directionless, why he chose to live a life like that after all!

My Rating: 3.5/5

1- Poor  2-Average  3-Good  4-Very Good  5- Outstanding

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