Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Cast: Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Michael Keaton,Samuel L. Jackson,Abbie Cornish
Director:José Padilha     
Genre: Sci-Fi, Action, Crime

Entertaining watch. You will get all the spices of a typical action flick of the sci-fi genre!

You may look forward to:
  • Joel Kinnaman, as undoubtedly the man of the movie. Partially behind the mask and partially not, he reminds you a lot to Batman when he is behind those wheels. He is prone to damage and he is  controlled by others. Yet he is heroic and keeps you glued to the screen
  • You have a script there which is mostly anarchic and completely sci-fi,eye brow raising technology but undoubtedly entertaining :)
  • Gary Oldman, our scientist, good in nature but under pressure from the big wigs to create something which he may not himself approve of. He did his job :)
  • Michael Keaton is the bad man that we have.Hungry for money and adamant at establishing his idea putting the security of human at jeopardy
  • Abbie Cornish, did a good job. She was all that she could do in her jurisdiction :)

What you can sleep over:

Samuel L. Jackson, rather aggressive for a TV host, you wonder why he keeps emphasizing on what he believes instead of being unbiased and reporting as a TV Host

The dampeners you should be aware of:

He overrides the priorities of the system he is programmed with. How!!! Never explained!

My rating: 3/5

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